Hey everyone! My name is Kennedy Birley, Catherine and I are the new garden managers! I am so excited to have the opportunity to be employed while getting to spend my time outside working with nature. Here's a little bit about me:
I come from a small town about an hour south of Portland that is very farming orientated. Despite not living on a farm I spent my childhood in our backyard that had been converted to a large garden. The maintenance of this garden became my hobby and I could almost always be found in the garden after school or practice or work. One of my favorite things to do when working in a garden is to name and talk to all the plants as I work with them. I have begun naming all of our plants here in the campus garden, such as the rosemary bush near the greenhouse is named Herald and the grape plants are Ma and Pop.
Over the next four years, I am working on receiving my degree in Political Science with both an English and Psychology minor to go on to become a Humanitarian Lawyer. Spending time in the garden gives me the opportunity to relax away from the classroom and homework. A few other things about me, I run long distance relays with my dad and his friends, I have been swimming competitively since I was six years old and I do yoga in my downtime.
I would also like to introduce our garden mascot, Edward. Catherine and I found this little mole while weeding in the garden last week.

Feel free to come by the garden Catherine and I are there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3pm to 5pm!