Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Recent fun things

Do you know what's cool if you have a garden? Donating food to help others! In the last weeks, our garden donated five bunches of beets and six large cucumbers were donated to the local food bank. In July we also donated  a box of kohlrabi and six heads of broccoli.
Before I came here, I never knew that food can be donated too. This is a brilliant idea for both the environment and people. We don't waste food and somebody will enjoy these tasty veggies.

These photos are what beets and broccoli look like. Isn't it amazing to see them in the ground in a natural state rather than in supermarket?
The right one is garlic drying in our shed. They look kinda funny to me, because of their messy leaves and roots. Hahaha! Even I don't know what this garlic will be after drying, but I'm sure they will be better things, eventually. 
Besides veggies, I also have other news to share with you, the following photo is our garden picnic table with new color! Is it romantic to have a picnic on it?  
Have a nice day and come to garden explore more fun! Thank you! 

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